Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts and family-focused souls! Welcome to TinySodaMama, the heartwarming corner of the internet where we celebrate the joys of both the kitchen and family life. I’m Julia, the proud creator and curator behind this delightful space.

A Journey of Love and Laughter: 18 Years of Marriage

First and foremost, let me share a bit about my own journey. I’ve been happily married for 18 incredible years, navigating the twists and turns of life with my best friend by my side. Together, we’ve built a life filled with love, laughter, and of course, lots of delicious food!

Raising Three Energetic Boys in the Heart of SW Minnesota

Our family is a lively blend of energy and excitement, thanks to our three amazing boys aged 10, 12, and 15. Each day is an adventure as we navigate the joys of parenthood, from the pitter-patter of little feet to the constant buzz of curious minds. Living in the beautiful countryside of SW Minnesota has provided the perfect backdrop for our family’s growth and exploration.

Life in the Country: Our Feathered and Furry Companions

One of the unique aspects of our family life is our connection to the countryside. We’ve embarked on the adventure of raising chickens and turkeys, watching them grow and thrive under our care. The joy of collecting fresh eggs each morning and the satisfaction of knowing where our food comes from has brought us closer as a family.

Our home is also shared with two lovable dogs and a couple of farm cats, each with their own charming personalities. They add an extra layer of warmth and companionship to our already bustling household.

TinySodaMama: Where Food and Family Unite

TinySodaMama is more than just a blog—it’s a reflection of our passion for family, food, and the beautiful moments that arise when the two come together. In the kitchen, I experiment with flavors, create mouthwatering recipes, and share the stories behind each dish. Whether it’s a comforting family meal or a delightful treat for a special occasion, every recipe is crafted with love.

Through TinySodaMama, I hope to inspire fellow parents, food enthusiasts, and anyone who appreciates the simple pleasures of life. Join me on this journey as we explore the world of culinary delights, share anecdotes from our family adventures, and find joy in the everyday moments that make life truly extraordinary.

Thank you for being a part of the TinySodaMama community. Here’s to savoring the flavors of life and cherishing the bonds that make it all worthwhile!

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